After, the fresh high mountains and the hot Amazonian region of Bolivia, we decided to fly over to Colombia on August 12th 2015, where the climate is more stable, over the whole year. What we’re actually looking for, after Bolivia.
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Big city of Bogotá, Colombia,
We started our journey in the fresh attitude (2500 m.o.s.l) of Bogotá. We stayed at a friends apartment on the border of the city of Bogotá. We where impressed of the size and the rather extreme weather situation. Very fresh at night and the climate can change 4 times in one afternoon from rainy to sunny to dry. Comparing to Bolivia is Bogotá a welcomed city with a high service attitude. In this case, we just enjoyed our selves, and yes the people are really friendly! Even if they are more than usual formal in the city. The city, of course, is huge. With almost 9 Mio. of population, you can find everything and the standard is even higher or equal like in Switzerland! So as well the prices. Bogotá in Colombia has become expensive.
People, not only in Bogotá, love there animals! Especial there dogs. Which was exact opposite in the high Bolivians mountains! We saw big and small dogs, with T-shirts or raincoats of all colors. Almost a Trademark in Colombia. We liked this sight, because our dog had to die in Bolivia because someone drove over him! But here in Colombia it seems different and we liked this observation.
Department Magdalena
Santa Marta, Colombia,
After Bogotá, and one cold, we went to the hot Caribbean coast of Colombia. We started in Santa Marta. Originally one of the very first colonial fisher village of the sub continent. They sell rich tropical street food. Fruits like Coconut and Papaya which we liked a lot! Two days in Taganga and further to Buritaca, which are all in the Departament of Magdalena but slightly more north. There, we visited a family in the midst of the jungle. After two hours walk, witch was exhausting in the humid, hot climate of the Caribbean coast. But when we got there, it was like a little paradise, near a fresh river. A common refreshing, cooling-off the day place. We slept in a little round house with a roof of palm leaves and a fireplace in the middle, smoke against mosquitoes, and in some nice colorful hammocks. Escaping of our comfort zone, it was actually a nice experience, the first time awakening in the hammock. We liked the idea of this house – less is more.
They also had build up a dry toilet, which was really well build. With bamboo and a little palm leave roof top. Typical style of building, all done by the indigenous ethnic group, Kougi which still live in the high mountain of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. Kougi; meaning “jaguar”.
Dry toilet in the mist of the jungle
A other species of Bananas in the mist of jungle
A garden with full of fruit trees. But the current water problem, they have, has not changed. The absence of more then two years without rain season is not helping at all. They are almost running out of water. Thats also why, they don’t have much vegetables in there garden. Most things like chocolate and little things like soap do there on the spot. To get to the next village, they go with a donkey. In this area you can’t find any Internet connection at all, it’s in the middle of nowhere. They are actually seeking for Volunteers.
Cartagena de India
Cartagena, Colombia,
In Colombia you can drive almost everywhere by bus. And the prices are inexpensive. So we went from Santa Marta to Cartagena and stayed there for a few days. But actually we where looking for a nice cosy place which we couldn’t find. It’s a super touristic place especial in the old town and near the coast. Most Hotel rooms are like a bunker, without windows and low charm. We where looking over all the place and stumbled at the end on a nice hotel. The old town – Getsemani – is really nice but the rest is just not worth it.
Cartagena, Colombia,
We really enjoyed the climate of Medellín. The city has good vibes and the area Laureles was quite charming. We just needed a break and some chill out time and decided to to nothing big. To gain new energy because after traveling over a year now, is also tiring. A nice place where we can stay for longer like a month. In Medellín we found this 5 room Apartment which was quite nice. There was a kitchen and a big sleeping and living room. We went up with the Cableway and made some sightseeing of the City. There is actually a lot to see also the botanic garden which is more like a park.
Cafe triangle department of Quindío
La Tebaida near Armenia, Colombia
A bus drive of 6h took us from Medellín to Armenia. We even got a first class ticket which was great value. But the street has a lot of curves. We were happy when we got there! The driver of the finca took us 30 Min. out of the city in the beautiful nature. Palms of Banana and Platanos and a lots of coffee plants everywhere! Let’s see what we explore around here – stay tuned!