We planted our very first Turmeric the 5th of February 2018 at the farm. Usually it takes 7 to 10 months from planting to harvest. So we should be able to harvest soon June/July 2018.
The Scientific name of Turmeric is “Curcuma Longa” . It is also known as “Curcuma Domestica” and is popularly known as “Haldi” in India. It is a very powerful bright yellow/orange coloring spice use mostly in Indian Cuisines. Turmeric herb is full of medicinal properties and it is an excellent healing agent to cure various ailments and diseases in the body.
Turmeric herb is mostly use as a powder. Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric and have wide range of therapeutic effects. Turmeric can be use both internally and externally.
There have been two more species that are commonly seen in Turmeric :
Curcuma Aromatica – It is commonly called as Wild Turmeric or Jangali Haldi in Hindi. In Ayurveda, it is known as Van Haldi.
Curcuma Amada – It is commonly known as Mango Ginger. In ayurveda it is known as Amgandhi Haridra. Mango-ginger is neither related to mango nor ginger but to turmeric (Curcuma longa). It is a rhizome which is pale yellow inside and lighter colour outside. When it is crushed it gives sweet smell of unripe mango.
Nutrients in Turmeric :
Turmeric is a source of dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, niacin, manganese, iron, potassium, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids, omega 6 fatty acids and phytosterols.
- Good for Skin : Turmeric is natural and offers many benefits to your skin. It is one of the best and an effective natural remedy for treating spots and pigmentation, blemishes, scars or skin discoloration. The use of turmeric not only improves your complexion, the skin texture but also helps to protect against other skin ailments like eczema, acne, pimple, dry skin and psoriasis. It also hastens the process of recovery in case of smallpox, chickenpox, red rashes and other skin diseases, etc. Since, turmeric has ant-aging benefits, the use of turmeric in cosmetics and skin care products and remedies is inevitable. Turmeric helps to naturally slow the aging process, decreases the formation of deep creases and wrinkles on your face and restore youth to you. Turmeric can be use as a natural cleanser, whitener and facial masks. You can also add pinch of turmeric powder in a warm glass of milk and drink it regularly to get clean, clear and glowing skin free from acne, pimples, pigmentation, etc. For facial mask, you can mix sandalwood and milk or rose water on turmeric powder and apply it on your face to improve your skin complexion. Use it regularly to see the result. You can also apply turmeric powder mixed with cucumber juice or lemon to the affected area and leave it on for about 15-20 minutes and wash off. It will give your skin a natural healthy glow. You can also mix turmeric with little gram flour and water and use it to scrub your face or apply it all over the body before taking a bath. Turmeric is an excellent remedy for avoiding stretch marks during pregnancy. Apply turmeric and yoghurt on the belly and wash it off after 5-10 minutes and continue this process of treatemnt regularly. It will help you to maintain elasticity of skin and avoid unwanted stretch marks in your body. Turmeric is the cheapest home beauty remedy.
- Turmeric is Anti-Cancer : One of the main constituents of turmeric is curcumin. This curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect against dreaded diseases like skin cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer and prostrate cancer. Curcumin content in turmeric helps the body to destroy mutated cancer cells and neutralize free radicals. It improves the immune system in the body and helps to fight cancer and tumorous growths. This aids to the prevention of cancer.
- Protect Against Alzheimer’s Disease : One of the main contributing factors in the development of Alzheimer’s disease is the inflammation inside of the brain. The regular consumption of turmeric helps to prevent against Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological diseases as well. Alzheimer’s disease is very uncommon in India since the population consumes turmeric in their daily diet. A research study has shown that a compound in curry not only prevents changes in the brain that lead to Alzheimer’s disease but it actually also, reverses some of the damage already present.
- Turmeric Helps Prevents Heart Diseases : Turmeric is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and rich in vitamin B6, therefore, it helps to protect heart diseases. It can reduce the bad cholesterol in the blood which is one of the main primary causes of artery blockage and heart attacks. It can help to improve blood flow the body as well as strengthen the blood vessels and aids to treating high blood pressure.
- Turmeric is Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Asthmatic : Turmeric is use as an effective natural home remedy for arthritis and asthma patients. Turmeric has a pain-relieving properties and is very helpful in reducing inflammations. Turmeric is a great natural cure for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. You can add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder to a warm glass of milk and drink it 2-3 times daily empty stomach early in the morning.
- Turmeric is Use to Treat Digestive Disorders : Turmeric extract is good for your digestive system. Turmeric helps to stimulate production of bile in the liver and thereby improves the body’s ability to break down fats. Add turmeric into foods like rice or bean dishes, it will help you to improve the digestion system in your body, reduce the formation of gas or acidity, heartburn and bloating. If you are suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, turmeric may help to reduce the pain and irritation. You can drink milk with turmeric to cleanse your digestive system.
- Turmeric Helps to Protect Against Liver Diseases : The turmeric extract can help your body to protect against damage caused by drugs or medications, effects of alcohol, nicotine and other harmful chemicals, etc by detoxifying the system. It can strengthen your immunity and help to fight against diseases like jaundice, hepatitis and cirrhosis.
- Turmeric Helps to Strengthen the Bones : Drink a glass of turmeric extract with warm milk every night before retiring to bed. This will help to strengthen the bones in your body and reduce the risk of developing diseases such as osteoporosis.
- Turmeric Helps to Treats Wounds : Turmeric is a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory that helps to heal wounds faster. Make a turmeric paste by adding a little water (Don’t make it watery) and apply thick on the wound or injury. Put bandage or gauze over it. Turmeric has the ability to reduce pain and inflammations. It can stop bleeding and it is an excellent antiseptic for cuts and bruises.
- Turmeric Helps to Treat Burns : The turmeric extract when applied on the burnt area prevents infection and helps in speedy recovery. This is an easy home-made natural remedy for burns. You can mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric with 1 teaspoon of aloevera gel and apply to the affected area. This will cool down the burning sensation and cure it naturally.
- Turmeric is Effective in the Treatment of Eye Disorder : Uveitis is an eye inflammation that affects white outer layer of the retina. Uveitis can be acute or chronic and it usually affects one or both the eyes. If left untreated, uveitis can lead to permanent damage to vision, including blindness. Turmeric extract may be helpful top treat inflammation of the uvea.
- Turmeric is Effective in the Treatment of Anemia : Turmeric is rich in iron. Therefore, it is considered as one of the best natural remedy to treat anemia. The extracted juice from the raw turmeric should be mixed with honey and consume. This will also help top repair your immune system.
- Good Treatment for your Hair : Turmeric is a natural hair care treatment for dandruff, as hair colorants and dyes. Turmeric plant extracts are used as hair growth stimulators.
- Effective in the Treatment of Cough, Cold & Flu : The antiseptic properties of turmeric extract are very effective in the treatment of chronic coughs and sore throat. Just drink a glass of warm milk with half teaspoonful of turmeric and ginger. You can add pepper too. You can sweeten the mixture with two teaspoonful of honey. Drink this mixture twice in a day. This is one of the most effective ways to curb down the chronic cough, cold or flu. When you are irritated with the problem of running nose, inhale the smoke of turmeric roots. The smoke will help you to breathe properly and give you quicker relief. Also, caraway seeds with powdered turmeric is useful in the treatment of cold. This remedy is very much beneficial for infants.
- Female Related Health Problems : Turmeric is antispasmodic. Turmeric extract helps to reduce the severity of painful menstrual cramps or dysmenorrhea.
- Effective Against Worms, Bacteria, Virus & Fungus : Regular use of turmeric extract can help you prevent against worms, bacteria, virus and fungus that can otherwise cause food poisoning, diarrhea, scabies, dysentery, smallpox and other related diseases. The compound, Curcumin, showed immense therapeutic potential against H. pylori, herpes simplex, hepatitis B, salmonella and Candida infections. Turmeric is diuretic and hence, it is effective against the treatment of urinary tract disorders. One of the best natural home remedy to expel worms from the body is by consuming raw turmeric juice with a dash of salt in the early morning hours or you can mix the dry turmeric powder with butter milk or plain warm water and drink it. This will kill the intestinal worms and protect the muscles of the intestine.
- Turmeric is Anti-Diabetes : The presence of curcumin in turmeric helps to keep blood sugar level in check and prevent the onset of Type-2 Diabetes. Ayurvedic System of Medicine uses turmeric as one of the ingredients to treat diabetes since it lowers the blood sugar and increases the glucose metabolism. Therefore, easy and simple preventive measure to treat diabetes is take 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder twice a day with meals.
Curcumin extracts or capsules are also available in the market. You can use it as an alternative to the powder.
Turmeric can be use as a dyeing agent. The cloths worn during rituals in Indian ceremonies are dyed with turmeric. Yellow color is considered as sacred and auspicious color in India. The cloths dyed in turmeric are considered pure.
Paste – It is applied on wounds and injuries. It is also used on skin related ailments, itching and burns. It fairs the skin texture. It also helps n promoting healing and it also lightens the scars on the body. It is also applied on abdomen in case of hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. It is also used in applying on piles.
Smoke – Smoke of turmeric is helpful in relieving from respiratory infections and disorder. It is also used in suppressing pain in case of scorpion poisoning.
Powder and Juice Extract – Its powder is used in suppressing pains in case of any external injuries. It is also used in nervous weakness. It regulates the digestive activities of the body and prevents tastelessness, indigestion and constipation. It strengthens the liver and prevents jaundice. It also has good role in asicitis. It is very beneficial in worm infestation. It purifies blood and also regulates blood production and hence given in anemia. It is very effective in case of allergy of any sort. It is good in case of throat infection and respiratory disorders. It is very useful in diabetes. It is also helpful in all kinds of fever especially chronic one. It is also helpful in poisoning and general body weakness.