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What’s Permaculture?

We have been asked so many times by family, friends and acquaintances what this so called “Permaculture” now means. A few had heard it has something to do with gardening. Or how to raise a flower bed …

So we decided to explain it the most simple way via a video so it’s slightly easier to understand. Btina did a fantastic job in front of the camera hanging in the hammock. You can see my foot on the left side 🙂

What’s Permaculture video on YouTube

We did translate it in Spanish, German and French so when you watch it on YouTube the subtitles should automatically change to the language you use on your device.


“Permaculture is a 10,000-year-old technology based on knowledge of our tribal ancestors. It’s not only a sustainable way to grow own food (fruit, vegetables and animals) but an holistic lifestyle and philosophy.”


“Permakultur ist eine 10’000 Jahre alte Technologie, die auf das Wissen unserer Vorfahren aufbaut. Es ist nicht nur eine nachhaltige Möglichkeit, die eigene Nahrung (Obst, Gemüse und Tiere) zu erwirtschaften, auch einen ganzheitlichen Lebensstil und Philosophie zu leben.”


“La permacultura es una tecnología de 10.000 años de edad, a partir del conocimiento de nuestros antepasados tribales. No es sólo una manera sostenible para crecer propios alimentos (frutas, vegetales y animales), sino un estilo de vida holístico y una filosofía.”


“La permaculture est une technologie 10 000 ans sur la base de connaissances de nos ancêtres tribaux. C’est non seulement un moyen durable de croître propre nourriture (fruits, légumes et animaux), mais un mode de vie holistique et une philosophie.”

Permaculture presentation (Spanish)

Further information about Permaculture

Of course there is much much more and detailed information about Permaculture available for example here on Wikipedia or if you like to read books to feel free to check our Goodreads Permaculture recomended list. Our top Permaculture books so far:

Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual by Mollison, Bill
Permaculture Design – a Step by Step Guid by Aranya
The One-Straw Revolution by Fukuoka, Masanobu
Sustainable Revolution: Permaculture in Ecovillages, Urban Farms, and Communities Worldwide | Birnbaum, Juliana

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