PermaTree – Core Holistic Philosophy
Eco-Centric means we believe in equality, and in respecting the differences, instead of judging differences. We are all connected in one way or another.
Read more about the Ego-Centric VS Eco-Centric thoughts and why Holistic Eco-Centric approach is based upon healthiness on the micro level, empathy and tolerance on the cultural level, and holistic cultivation and interconnectedness on the macro level.
Key Pillars at PermaTree
PermaTree is a very unique place where you can experience a sustainable way of living. Use these values to help you adjust to our experience.
1. Appreciation
Everyone wants to feel appreciated. For many, appreciation is just saying thank you. But appreciation only begins with saying thanks. True appreciation is not only recognizing someone’s excellent efforts and contribution. The term actually means “to recognize and enjoy” a person’s value or good qualities. It means showing respect and understanding as well as gratitude. Business thrives on appreciation.
Take time to appreciate the local tropical fruits, the beautiful sun showers, the stunning sunsets and night skies, learning different languages, and being part of a farming family.
2. Commitment
Job commitment is the feeling of responsibility that a person has towards the mission and goals of an organization. When an individual has job commitment, he or she is more likely to perform tasks and responsibilities that will help an organization achieve a goal.
Keeping your promises, being on time, don’t mind being out of your comfort zone, being proactive in daily tasks, enjoy challenges and being busy most of the day.
3. Sociable
If you are social, you like to be around people. A social butterfly is someone who is social or friendly with everyone, flitting from person to person, the way a butterfly might. The word social comes from the Latin socius meaning “friend.” When you’re being social, you’re everyone’s friend.
Willing to interact by exchanging experiences, ideas, brainstorming future solutions with us, asking questions when confused, voicing your issues clearly – during your stay.