The project PermaTree was mainly created because we – Btina and myself – wanted to eat healthy tasty food in our future. We at PermaTree focus on healthy nutrition aka healthy food “diet”.
Definition of diet: “A selection of nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, in order to maintain life and growth.”
It’s something many understand totally different. For some it’s about following a specific diet. For others it’s about losing weight. And for us it’s really and simply about eating tasty fresh healthy foods to gain energy and positive vibes. We embrace diverse nutrition with some exceptions due to current location limitations and because most of the fruit trees we have been planting will need between 2.5 and 8 years until we can harvest the fruits.
Most people think we at PermaTree are vegetarians because we do not eat or cook meat at home. The meat storage in our freezer is only for our for legged friends, our two dogs. Meat or overleft from cows which vendors do not sell to their customers. And to be honest the meat quality here in South America is not comparable with Europe. It’s more like a gum than a juicy piece of meat. So, if there is good meat around, sure we take the chance to eat meat once a time. But we are absolutely not dependent on meat. More important for us is, to know the source of where the food is coming from. Who is the producer and how is it treated, animals wise and also the entire growth process of a plant foods (organic VS GMO/hormone/chemicals).
What type of food do we eat at finca PermaTree?
A typical day involves a big bowl of seasonal tropical fruit (Banana, Papaya and maybe Mango) with oatmeal and fruit juice for breakfast. Lunch could be rice with peanut butter, salad and carrots, lentils with shredded coconut meat. Dinner may be lighter like Papaya or just some rice with eggs. We focus on seasonal, partly organic and local produce we purchase at the market and harvest as much of our own food from the Finca as we can.
So, for example plant wise speaking they need calcium too, which is most likely coming from bones. Meaning dead animals or dead human beings if you want so. And many people go and buy some fertilizer and do not know how it is made. So roughly said, the vegetables and fruit you eat have eaten bones to be able to grow big and juice! What do you think now? There is always something missing in this circle. As a circle example we get born, life and on on the end we are going back to earth where we decompose and create nutrient for plants or animals and so life is full of circles.
For us organic fruits, vegetables, grains creatively mixed together is what we are thankful after a hard working day. Most tropical fruits have so many health benefits we can’t even talk about it, because it would take more than just a dozen of blog articles. In a nutshell if it’s a natural organic fruit you can be sure it’s healthy, if it’s from the tropical climate it may be a so called superfruit and even more healthy. Why? Because those deemed “super” by nutrition scientists are packed with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients that can help you live longer, look better, and even prevent disease.
As soon as vendors use GMO/hormones for their animals or chemicals for their plants, it is most likely because they can sell it in very big amounts and therefore industrial food production. Better not to consume. Industrial food is just to make money not to sell nutrition. It’s about selling the least expensive food-material best packaged at the highest price. For profit. It’s all about the profit and the net gain and worth of the industry. Your health is not part of this equation.
Industrial production is NOT good for our environment, animals or even directly for us humans regarding our health! This is the most significant fact we have to keep in mind, more than following any diet in this world.
Which we, without hesitation, calling by there names: Paleo, Vegetarian, Vegan, Halal, Kosher, Low-fat, Raw-food, Gluten-free diet, Diabetic diet, Carbohydrate Diet, etc. These diets have to do with religion or a specific belief or just a current trend. 99% of all diets are also way to extreme at the end of the day. Also depending on your body type (Metabolism) how fast your body can burn energy, some diets may work for one person but not for another.
Our goal at PermaTree in Ecuador is to produce locally all of our food we consume there. Sounds like something obvious but it takes time to get there.
Others may want to, because they want to live healthier or lose weight. There is also currently a trend within athletes which are vegan and strong. Sounds good but most still do not care where food is coming from and if it contains chemicals or not… Which we think is also a very significant detail.
Healthy Food Recommend from PermaTree
- Zero sugar “diet’ = more energy and just another addiction.
- Cook all of the meals at home. If possible don’t eat outside, no control there.
- Get the produce (vegetables & fruit) from nearby local markets or farms, always ask where it comes from you may be surprised by the answers from I dont have a clue to 3000km away.
- Focus on consuming the good fats (Monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat) and not the bad fats (saturated fat and trans fat). Examples foods would be: nuts (coconut, almonds, cashews, peanuts, pecans) vegetable oils (olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil) peanut butter and almond butter avocado, salmon, herring, sardines, trout, walnuts and all kind of seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds).
- Obviously – Don’t eat processed foods. anything in a packaging with a brand and
- If possible eat raw vegetables, fruits, etc.
- shiny slogans
- Do you own research about food and listen to your body
- Experiment new fresh food and mixes
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