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DIY Mayonnaise Recipe

  • Food


Lear how to make homemade mayonnaise 

Super simple few Ingredients

  • 1 Egg
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Salt to taste
  • Red onion
  • Kitchen Oil (a lot) possible alternative to oil would be raw avocado or cooked potatoes (!) Much healthier option. IMO
Final product : mayonnaise

Preparation and ingredients for the mayonnaise

Egg + Onion + Garlic + Salt = mayonnaise
Egg + Onion + Garlic + Salt = mayonnaise
  1. First, we peel and chop the garlic a little bit, not very small because it’s going to be liquefied
  2. We chop half a red onion; it may be less if you don’t want the taste to be very strong
  3. Put the egg in the blender, add a quarter of a small spoon of salt, garlic and onion
  4. We liquefied for a minute or until we don’t see pieces of any ingredient
  5. As we liquefaction we gradually add the oil. The amount of oil depends on how thick you want the mayonnaise; the more oil will make you thicker

Notes on Mayonnaise

It is important that the blender is well dried so that the mayonnaise won’t be damaged.

Slowly add the oil to reach the desired thickness to the mayonnaise

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