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  • Plants

After doing some research on what additional local “crops” we should have growing, we decided to go for the guayusa tree (Ilex guayusa). While guayusa… Read More »Guayusa

Herbal Medicine: Leonotis Nepetifolia – Klip Dagga

  • Plants

Applications of Leonotis leonurus L. R. has shown that the plant has diverse activities such as anticonvulsant, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antibacterial, anti-oxidant, anthelmintic activities and hypoglycemic properties, which justifies the herb use in the management and control of pain, arthritic, diabetes, dermatological, hypertension, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. Thirty seven secondary metabolites were reported, which includes 21 labdane diterpenes which are chemotaxonomic markers for the Leonotis genus and the mint family, Lamiaceae. The leaf, flowers and sepals essential oils are mostly constituted by monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids.

Growing Plants from Seeds

  • Plants

we just used the soil we found around the plant nursery which has a reddish and claylike soil texture. Not ideal for the seeds to germinate, we found out. It makes them hard to thrive, because of the slow drainage rate and therefore the high water-holding capacity. Then we tried an other mixture with sand, which we bought by the river bank nearby and an almost black soil which we discovered near our workers house. A nice and smooth soil. Who thrived pretty well and now, after several times, throwing pots away and start from scratch, we had our first success! So, best mixture is 80% Sand and 20% Compost or black soil.