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Tropical Permaculture (Permanent + Culture = Permaculture) A 10,000-year-old technology based on knowledge of our tribal ancestors. Syntropic Agriculture / Successional Agroforestry but on Steep Hill topography. Lots of Vetiver grass, Bamboo, Tropical Fruits, Ground Cover, Pioneer Plants, Enhancing Biodiversity and Topsoil.

Tropical Flowering Plants

Tropical Flowering Plants

From a holistic perspective it makes sense to have flowers. The question is then obviously which flowers are endemic to our tropical climate (Excessive rain and sun) and which flowers have which use cases. Is the flower edible – can humans eat it? Is it medicinal? Does it attract special insects or birds?

Basic rules of coexistence

The rules of coexistence are a set of social norms that are as important to follow for everyone, as teaching a child the alphabet or eating with cutlery. Three Key Pillars of PermaTree (1) Appreciation (2) Commitment (3) Sociable